9 Phrases That Spread Mental Health Stigma & What You Can Say Instead What is psychosis?

Psychosis is characterized by an impaired relationship with reality. It’s a symptom of serious mental disorders. People who are experiencing psychosis may have either hallucinations or delusions.

For many people with mental illness, mental health advocates, and professionals alike, an essential goal of mental health awareness is to challenge the stigmas that surround mental health conditions. Stigma can have a super detrimental impact on the health and quality of care for mentally ill people.

9 Phrases That Spread Mental Health Stigma & What You Can Say Instead

  • This Weather Is So Bipolar
  • You're So OCD
  • I'm So Triggered
  • You're Being Hysterical
  • They're So Psycho
  • Just Cheer Up
  • I'm So Depressed
  • I’m Going To Have A Panic Attack
  • Joking About Suicide

What is psychosis?